After a successful defense on February 14, 2025, Giulio was awarded the title of doctor with distinction, cum laude. Congratulations to Dr. Severijnen!
Watch this new video showing some of the lab facilities at the Donders Centre for Cognition (DCC).
The 26th edition of the Interspeech conference is to be held in Rotterdam, August 17-21, 2025.
The 10th conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS 10) is coming to Nijmegen on July 9-11, 2025.
We have a bunch of new preprints out! Read them here…
Ik mocht een bijdrage leveren aan de podcast Alledaagse Vragen #183. Wil jij weten waarom we eigenlijk ‘uh’ zeggen? Beluister het antwoord dan hier!
I’m teaching a 5-day Prosody in Speech Perception course at the LOT Summer School 2024 in Leiden. You can find all materials here!
Today we heard that Floris Cos successfully received a grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to start a PhD project about how simple beat gestures influence spoken word recognition in L1 and L2.
Congratulations to Ronny on his first journal publication from his PhD project! Want to know how people use lip movements and simple hand gestures to perceive lexical stress? Read it here!
Several proceedings papers from our group have been accepted for presentation at Speech Prosody 2024. Read them here!