NWO PhD grant for Floris Cos!

Today we heard that Floris Cos successfully received a grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to start a PhD project about how simple beat gestures influence spoken word recognition in L1 and L2.

What went before…

Floris Cos did a research internship at the SPEAC group in 2023. For this internship, he re-tested participants who had done a manual McGurk experiment about one year earlier. When these people performed the exact same task once again, we successfully replicated the manual McGurk effect at the group level but also found a weak correlation of the by-participant effect sizes in the two identical experiments. These outcomes were presented in Leiden at Speech Prosody 2024 and published as Cos, Bujok, and Bosker (2024).


After this internship, Floris applied for a ‘PhD in the Humanities’ grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to continue research into audiovisual speech perception. After a long wait, we now know he was successful and will start a PhD at the Center for Language Studies (CLS) at Radboud University in September 2024. Congratulations, Floris!!

Official press release

Check out NWO’s press release here.