Giulio transforms into Dr. Severijnen

After a successful defense on February 14, 2025, Giulio was awarded the title of doctor with distinction, cum laude. Congratulations to Dr. Severijnen!

A blessing in disguise

On February 14, Giulio defended his PhD thesis entitled “A blessing in disguise: How prosodic variability challenges but also aids successful speech perception”. Having calmly answered the challenging questions that were fired at him, the committee decided to award him the title of doctor with distinction, cum laude, a rarely awarded mark of exceptional excellence.

Many SPEAC members celebrated this milestone together with Giulio, as committee member, paranymph, or supporting audience members. I am proud of having served as Giulio’s supervisor, together with Prof. James McQueen (promotor) and Dr. Ashley Lewis (co-promotor). We can’t wait to see what the future holds for him! But it may take a while for us to get used to addressing him with “Esteemed Dr. Severijnen”, though.

Read his book!

Interested? Read his thesis here: