Course materials

Table of Contents

List of courses

  • Prosody in Speech Perception

    This course formed part of the LOT Summer School 2024. The aim of this 5-day course was to reveal the central role that prosody plays in low-level speech perception and spoken word recognition.

  • EMLAR R-tutorial

    This tutorial, co-designed with Hugo Quené, formed part of the EMLAR workshop (Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research) at Utrecht University from 2014 to 2019. The aim of this 2-hour session was to introduce PhD students to coding in R.

  • Introduction-to-R tutorial

    This tutorial, co-taught with Joe Rodd, formed part of the curriculum of the IMPRS graduate school at the MPI Nijmegen in 2017. The aim of this 3-lecture tutorial was to introduce PhD students to coding in R.


All materials are shared under a CC-BY 4.0 license.

2024, Hans Rutger Bosker