Save all

Praat can only save one object at a time for you. If you have multiple objects in your object window you’d like to save in one go, you can use this script. It can either save objects by their object name or by their id number.

You can also download the script as a .praat file.

### Hans Rutger Bosker, Radboud University
### Date: 23 June 2022, run in Praat 6.2.12 on Windows 10
### License: CC BY-NC 4.0

	###>> This script saves all selected objects to the directory 'dir_out$'
	###>>	with either:
	###>>   - their object name (e.g., "sentence1.wav")
	###>>			> set variable 'save_method$' to "name" [default]
	###>>   - their id number in the Praat object window (e.g., "42.wav")
	###>>			> set variable 'save_method$' to "id"
	###>> Sounds are saved as .wav files,
	###>> other object types (TextGrids, Spectrum, etc.) are saved
	###>> with their own extension type (.TextGrid, .Spectrum).
	###>> Default: the script will overwrite pre-existing files.
	###>> Set variable 'overwrite$' to "no" if you want Praat
	###>> to throw an error instead.

### Variables you will definitely need to customize:

### Where should the selected objects be saved?

dir_out$ = "C:\Users\hanbos\mysounds"

### Should Praat overwrite pre-existing files?

overwrite$ = "yes"
#overwrite$ = "no"

### Do you want to save each object by its object name or by its id number?
### If object name, then use "name" (e.g., "sentence1.wav").
### If object id number, then use "id" (e.g., "42.wav").

save_method$ = "name"
#save_method$ = "id"

### Before we start, let's check whether you've entered sensible
### input for the variables above...

### Let's check if the output directory exists.
### This script will throw an error if the directory doesn't exist
### (i.e., it won't write to a mysterious temp directory).

### First check whether the input directory ends in a backslash (if so, removed)

if right$(dir_out$,1)="/"
	dir_out$ = left$(dir_out$,length(dir_out$)-1)
elsif right$(dir_out$,1)="\"
	dir_out$ = left$(dir_out$,length(dir_out$)-1)

### Then create a temporary txt file in the folder
### and try to write it to the output folder.

### NOTE: The "nocheck" below asks Praat not to complain if the folder
### does *not* exist. We'll manually check whether the saving of this
### temp txt file has succeeded or not further down below.

temp_filename$ = dir_out$ + "/" + "my_temporary_Praat_file.txt"
nocheck writeFileLine: temp_filename$, "This is just to check if the directory exists"

### Can the file be found?

file_exists_yesno = fileReadable(temp_filename$)

if file_exists_yesno = 1
	# if you *could* read that temp txt file,
	# this confirms that the directory is valid.
	# Then you can delete it.
	deleteFile: temp_filename$
	# if that file wasn't readable, that means that the directory wasn't valid. 
	printline The folder 'dir_out$' was not found
	exit Your directory doesn't exist. Check spelling. The directory must *already* exist.

#################################    SCRIPT    #################################

### Make sure you've selected the objects you'd like to save in
### the Praat object window. If nothing is selected, the script exits.

nSelected = numberOfSelected()
if nSelected = 0
	exit No objects selected.

### Store the object id numbers in an array

for thisObject to nSelected
	objectArray ['thisObject'] = selected('thisObject')

### Loop through this array and for each id number
### select the corresponding object and save it.

for thisArrayNumber to nSelected
	objectId = objectArray ['thisArrayNumber']
	select 'objectId'
	type$ = extractWord$(selected$(), "")
	name$ = extractLine$(selected$(), " ")
	if save_method$ = "name"
		if type$ = "Sound"
			does_file_exist = fileReadable("'dir_out$'\'name$'.wav")
			if does_file_exist = 1
				if overwrite$ = "no"
					exit The file 'dir_out$'\'name$'.wav' already exists! If you wish to overwrite, set the variable overwrite$ to "yes".
			Write to WAV file... 'dir_out$'\'name$'.wav
			does_file_exist = fileReadable("'dir_out$'\'name$'.'type$'")
			if does_file_exist = 1
				if overwrite$ = "no"
					exit The file 'dir_out$'\'name$'.'type$' already exists! If you wish to overwrite, set the variable overwrite$ to "yes".
			Write to text file... 'dir_out$'\'name$'.'type$'
	elsif save_method$ = "id"
		if type$ = "Sound"
			does_file_exist = fileReadable("'dir_out$'\'objectId$'.wav")
			if does_file_exist = 1
				if overwrite$ = "no"
					exit The file 'dir_out$'\'objectId$'.wav' already exists! If you wish to overwrite, set the variable overwrite$ to "yes".
			Write to WAV file... 'dir_out$'\'objectId'.wav
			does_file_exist = fileReadable("'dir_out$'\'objectId$'.'type$'")
			if does_file_exist = 1
				if overwrite$ = "no"
					exit The file 'dir_out$'\'objectId$'.'type$' already exists! If you wish to overwrite, set the variable overwrite$ to "yes".
			Write to text file... 'dir_out$'\'objectId'.'type$'

### Now set the selection back to what it was before running this script.

for current to nSelected
	objectId = objectArray ['current']
	if current = 1
		select 'objectId'
		plus 'objectId'

# End of script